Exemption from requirements on theoretical examinations and applicants for licences and ratings

7. 4. 2020

The Civil Aviation Authority of the Czech Republic grants an exemption (the Exemption) from Part-FCL.025, FCL.060, FCL140A, FCL 140.H, FCL.725, FCL.735.A, FCL.735.H, FCL.805,, FCL.825, FCL.830 and point (1) of Section H of Appendix 3 to Annex I (Part-FCL) requirements of the EU 1178/2011 regulation (Aircrew Regulation) according to the article 71 (1) of the EU 2018/1139 regulation (Basic Regulation) valid for persons who are applying or who will apply the Civil Aviation Authority of the Czech Republic (CAA CZ) for an aeroplane or helicopter pilot licence issue.      

Notification of exemption from requirements on theoretical examinations and applicants for licences and ratings

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