Air passenger complaint form


Civil Aviation Authority Czech Republic (hereinafter “the CAA”) is a body responsible for enforcement of Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 as regards

  • flights from airports in the territory of the Czech Republic, or
  • flights from third countries to airports in the territory of the Czech Republic, if the operating air carrier of the flight concerned is an EU carrier

provided that one of the following incidents occurs:

  • cancellation,
  • delay,
  • denied boarding against the passenger´s will,
  • downgrading, or
  • lack of care (meals and refreshments, hotel accommodation etc.).

On the contrary, the CAA does not oversee air carrier´s obligations as regards

  • luggage,
  • flights from airports on the territory of another EU Member State,
  • flights from a third country to airports in the territory of the Czech Republic, if the operating air carrier of the flight is not an EU carrier.

For more details see here.


1.    A passenger first complains to the air carrier.

2.    If the air carrier does not provide an answer within 2 months, or its answer is not satisfactory, only then the passenger submits the online complaint form available here:


  • power of attorney (mandatory, if the passenger is represented),
  • reservation or boarding pass (voluntarily),
  • copy of ID (voluntarily; often asked by air carriers from third countries),
  • bank details (voluntarily; smooths the communication with air carriers when the entitlement to compensation is recognised).

Contact details:

  • email:
  • data box: v8gaaz5,
  • postal address: Úřad pro civilní letectví, K letišti 1149/23, 160 08 Praha 6,
  • telephone number (Mo-Thu from 13h to 15h): 225 421 111.

3.    The CAA notifies passengers upon receipt of the complaint.

4.    The CAA requests a statement from the air carrier on the circumstances of the flights concerned within 6 weeks. The time limit can be, however, repeatedly extended depending on multiple factors (willingness of the air carrier to cooperate, request of additional documents etc.).

5.    The CAA receives and evaluates the statement.

6.    The CAA informs the passenger about the outcome of its investigation. Please note that such outcome is final.

7.    The CAA forwards passenger´s bank details upon air carrier´s request.

In case of any confusion or a problem, please leave us a message here
Site author: Administration and Public Relations Division

Leave a message:

Thank you for your interest in contacting us. We will send you the answer to the email address you provided us below. In case of questions not related to this page, please use the options in the section Contacts.
Your complaint will be dealt with by: Administration and Public Relations Division