Recovery of theoretical examinations at CAA CZ

30. 4. 2020

CAA CZ in accordance with conditions of governmental lift-up of extraordinary measures against spread of the COVID-19 infection prepares recovery of theoretical knowledge examinations (Theoretical Examinations) under the following conditions:

1. Extra dates in May 2020

18.05. to 21.05.2020 (Monday to Thursday):

CPL, IR, EIR and ATPL theoretical examinations for aeroplane and helicopter to finish the sitting having been already initiated only for those applicants who have already been registered on the cancelled dates from 16.03 to 19.03.2020. These applicants are not required to register for the examination again. They will be informed about the details of the examination (allocated subject and exact date) by e-mail. 

25.05 to 28.05.2020 (Monday to Thursday)

PPL and LAPL theoretical examinations for aeroplane and helicopter preferably for those applicants who have already been registered on the cancelled dates from 23.03 to 26.03.2020. Applicants for a new examination can be registered in case of free capacity. All these applicants (registered for the cancelled dates in March as well as the new ones) have to register themselves for the examination again.  These applications for a new registration can be sent from 04.05.2020.

2. Scheduled dates since June 2020

Since June 2020 the theoretical examinations of pilots will take place in scheduled dates for the theoretical examinations published at the CAA CZ web site, see personnel – Theoretical Examinations. Due to the fact that necessary sanitary measures require reduction of the classroom capacity all registrations for examinations received on the dates from 01.04.2020 to 31.08.2020 so far have been cancelled and it is necessary to apply for registration again. The registration system will be recovered for new registrations since 07.05.2020 (Thursday).

3. Sanitary measures

3.1 Classroom capacity: Classroom capacityfor theoretical examinations has been reduced from original 14 to 12 applicants to ensure mutual separation of min 2 metres.

3.2 Mouth screen: Any applicant shall wear a mouth screen covering respiratory holes during all his visit to the CAA CZ premises. There will be a possibility to receive a new mouth screen in the classroom in case of its degradation e.g. due to long use.

3.3 Entry to CAA CZ premises and motion in the premises: The receptionist will measure body temperature of applicants at the entry to CAA CZ premises. He will be authorised to refuse entry to any applicant based on his body temperature (38°C and higher) or in case of lack of the building capacity taking into account required mutual separation of persons of min 2 metres. All applicants are requested to stay in the CAA CZ building for as short time as possible, particularly not to get together in the public areas of the building when they have finished the examination and to leave the building immediately when they have finished the examination.

3.4 Disinfection of hands: Any applicant shall disinfect his hands by an agent that will be available prior to his examination.

3.5 Disinfection of a working place: The applicant´s working place including used tools will be disinfected as soon as he has finished his examination.

4. COVID-19 exemptions

4.1 Recommendation by a training organisation for the examination

This recommendation (certificate on successful completion of relevant theoretical knowledge course) has an original validity period of 12 months from the date of its issue for all kinds of examinations of pilots at CAA CZ. When its validity period ends anytime from March to July 2020, it is extended until 31.07.2020. It is not necessary to apply for grant of this exemption. CAA CZ will simply accept registrations for examination using this exemption. See for more details.

4.2 CPL, IR, EIR and ATPL theoretical examination already initiated

The CPL, IR, EIR and ATPL theoretical examination shall have been originally completed within the period of 18 months since its beginning. This period is extended by a period of inaccessibility of the examination at CAA CZ. It is not necessary to apply for grant of this exemption. CAA CZ will grant it automatically when such a described case happens.  See for more details.

4.3 The period of inaccessibility of the examination at CAA CZ

The period of inaccessibility of the examination at CAA CZ for an applicant means:   

  1. Applicants staying in the Czech Republic:
  • March to May 2020, i.e. 3 months, if he was registered on the cancelled last week of examinations from 16.03. till 19.30.2020
  • April and May 2020, i.e. 2 months, in other cases
  • Applicants staying off the Czech Republic:
  • From March 2020, if he was registered on the cancelled last week of examinations from 16.03 till 19.03.2020, until the last calendar month when he still was not able to travel to the Czech Republic due to measures against spread of the COVID-19 virus.
  • From April 2020, if he was not registered on the cancelled last week of examinations from 16.03 till 19.03.2020, until the last calendar month when he still was not able to travel to the Czech Republic due to the measures against spread of the COVID-19 virus.

5. Other extra dates

CAA CZ is ready to consider an offer of additional examination dates based on evident applications for registration of a greater amount of applicants.

6. The Examination Code

All the above mentioned measures will be implemented into the CAA CZ Examination Code by the day of recovery of the theoretical examinations.

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Autor stránky: Šéfredaktor

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